What Makes A Great Webpage

The best type of webpage for an online business job or a Work at home business is one that captures leads. This blog covers the steps of writing great ad copy.

Here Are The Steps For Writing Good Ad Copy For A Lead Capture Page

* Headline:

It Should Grab The Reader's Attention - Write something catchy. Red Colored Titles Are Very Eyecatching

* Sub-Head (your hook, keep on reading)

* Body text (your store, make it personal, intriguing)

* Value-added bullet point (benefits)

* Call to action - Get them to buy something.

* P.S. - Alot of internet users scroll straight down to the bottom of the web page in order to see the cost of your product or service.

A great website to look at in order to see a good squeeze page is http://www.workathomewealthteam.com and also http://www.workfromhomedreamteam.com

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