What Makes A Great Webpage

The best type of webpage for an online business job or a Work at home business is one that captures leads. This blog covers the steps of writing great ad copy.

Here Are The Steps For Writing Good Ad Copy For A Lead Capture Page

* Headline:

It Should Grab The Reader's Attention - Write something catchy. Red Colored Titles Are Very Eyecatching

* Sub-Head (your hook, keep on reading)

* Body text (your store, make it personal, intriguing)

* Value-added bullet point (benefits)

* Call to action - Get them to buy something.

* P.S. - Alot of internet users scroll straight down to the bottom of the web page in order to see the cost of your product or service.

A great website to look at in order to see a good squeeze page is http://www.workathomewealthteam.com and also http://www.workfromhomedreamteam.com

Great Website Hosting

Working from home and having your own online business is the best life ever! I have the opportunity to teach, host and attend all events desireable.

I am hosting an internet marketing class today live in Roanoke, VA. We have people all around the world watching us live online as well. To join us or to grab the replays Click Here .

Currently we are covering the tools needed in order to set up a webpage.

* Buying and managing a domain - http://www.godaddy.com
* Buying and managing the hosting - http://www.realsuccesshosting.com
* Finding and Using an HTML Editor - NVU or Expression Web
* Parking the website also known as FTP (Layman's Terms - takes the webpage you make and makes it appear online. - We use Filezilla

To get detailed step by step instructions go now to http://www.reidreamteam.com/internetclass or Click Here .

How To Make Million Dollar Online Business Connections

If you have an online business then making connections or getting referrals can seem difficult. Here is a great video of how my personal friend, Larry Benet, was able to meet Larry King.

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