Online Business Tips - Question of The Day

Someone asked me this question today...

"How do I find something simple that I can do online and it not be a waist of time or money"?

Answer: There are thousands if not millions of self proclaiming experts out there and it is not always easy to find people that offer ONLINE BUSINESS TIPS that are reliable. If you're seriously looking to start up an ONLINE BUSINESS then you don't have to buy a $1,000 product or system. Here are the top ways to make money online without spending thousands of dollars when starting out.

1. Sell on eBay... get yourself used to ONLINE BUSINESS communication, buying, selling, etc. by utilizing eBay. This will make you more comfortable with ONLINE BUSINESS communication and payment systems. If you become knowledgeable with eBay then stepping out on your own will not seem as scary. If you already sell items on eBay then move on.

2. Set up a traffic generation web page... this is a web page that has an opt in box. An opt - in box collects information from your ONLINE BUSINESS website visitor. A good example of this can be seen by clicking on ONLINE BUSINESS. An autoresponse system will be needed in order to keep track of the information that the opt in box collects.

3. Drive traffic to your website. The easiest way to drive traffic to your website is to write 50-100 articles on the your online business topic and publish them. There are many free article directories available.

Tip: Make sure you pick 3 keywords that you include onto your ONLINE BUSINESS web page 3-7 times each. Then write your articles around those 3 keywords. Make sure you use each keyword 3-5 times in each article. For more information feel free to comment or ask questions.

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